Home. Our Universe. BUDDHAS. BODHISATTVAS. Sutras.

又  舍  利  弗  ,  彼  佛  何  緣  名  無  量  壽  ?  由  彼  如  來  ,  及  諸  有  情  ,  壽  命  無  量  阿  僧  祇  劫  ,  由  是  緣  故  ,  名  無  量  壽  。  舍  利  弗  ,  何  緣  彼  佛  名  無  量  光  ?  由  彼  如  來  恒  放  無  量  無  邊  妙  光  ,  徧  照  一  切  十  方  佛  土  ,  施  作  佛  事  ,  無  有  障  礙  ,  由  是  緣  故  ,  名  無  量  光  。  舍  利  弗  ,  阿  彌  陀  佛  成  佛  已  來  ,  於  今  十  劫  。  又  舍  利  弗  ,  阿  彌  陀  佛  常  有  無  量  聲  聞  弟  子  ,  一  切  皆  是  大  阿  羅  漢  ,  非  是  算  數  之  所  能  知  ,  具  足  種  種  微  妙  功  德  。  菩  薩  弟  子  ,  亦  復  如  是  ,  其  量  無  邊  不  可  稱  數  。  舍  利  弗  ,  彼  佛  淨  土  成  就  如  是  功  德  莊  嚴  。


Further, Sariputra, for what cause this Buddha is called the Infinite Life. It is because this Buddha and all sentient beings have indefinite Asankhya[47] life. Due to this reason, he is named the Infinite Life. Sariputra, why this Buddha is called the Infinite Light? It is because this Buddha has constantly emitted infinite and endless wonderful light, which shines on all Buddhas’ land in ten directions, and conducts Buddha’s affairs without any hindrance. Because of this reason, he is named the Infinite Light. Sariputra, Amitabha has attained Buddhahood for ten kalpas. Further, Sariputra, Amitabha has countless Sravaka[48] disciples who are all great Arhats[49]and their numbers are not measurable or known by math. They all possess various marvelous virtue and merit. Same as Bodhisattva disciples, their numbers are innumerable and uncountable. Sariputra, this Buddha’s Pureland has achieved such virtue and solemnity.


又  舍  利  弗  ,  若  諸  有  情  生  彼  土  者  ,  皆  是  阿  鞞  跋  致  ,  一  生  補  處  ,  必  不  復  墮  諸  險  惡  趣  ,  常  游  諸  佛  清  淨  國  土  ,  殊  勝  行  願  ,  念  念  增  進  ,  決  定  當  證  阿  耨  多  羅  三  藐  三  菩  提  。  舍  利  弗  ,  若  諸  有  情  ,  聞  彼  西  方  阿  彌  陀  佛  清  淨  佛  土  ,  無  量  功  德  眾  所  莊  嚴  ,  應  當  發  願  ,  願  生  彼  國  。  所  以  者  何  ?  若  生  彼  土  ,  得  與  如  是  功  德  莊  嚴  諸  上  善  人  俱  會  一  處  ,  受  用  如  是  功  德  莊  嚴  清  淨  佛  土  大  乘  法  樂  ,  常  無  退  轉  ,  無  量  行  願  ,  念  念  增  進  ,  速  證  無  上  正  等  菩  提  故  。


Further, Sariputra, if all sentient beings are born in this land, they all are Avaivartika[50] and ready to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime, and will never fall into various risky and evil destinations. They travel around all Buddhas’ Purelands constantly. With their remarkable and outstanding vows and disciplines, and zealous progressiveness thought after thought, they shall attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi[51]. Sariputra, if all sentient beings hear about this Western Amitabha Pureland and its indefinite virtue, merit and solemnity, they should vow to give birth in this World. Why? If they are born in this Land, they can get together with all such virtuous, dignified, and superior good persons; receive and benefit from such virtuous, solemn and pure Buddha Land and the dharma joy of Mahayana; and will never regress. With indefinite vows and disciplines and zealous progressiveness thought after thought, they will attain the supreme perfect bodhi[52] expeditiously.



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