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無  智  亦  無  得 ,   以  無  所  得  故 .   

There is no wisdom/knowledge[16] or gain/attainment because nothing is attainable.  


菩  提  薩  埵 ,   依  般  若  波  羅  密  多  故 ,   心  無  罣  礙 .

Bodhisattva, because of abiding by Prajnaparamita, there is no obsession/anxiety/hindrance in the mind.  


無  罣  礙  故 ,   無  有  恐  怖 ,   遠  離  顛  倒  夢  想 ,   究  竟  涅  槃 .   

Because of no obsession/anxiety/hindrance, there is no fear and apprehension, and thus the mind severs from all fantasy/illusion/daydream, and ultimately attains and understands Nirvana[17].


三  世  諸  佛 ,   依  般  若  波  羅  密  多  故 ,   得  阿  耨  多  羅  三  藐  三  菩  提 .   

All past, present and future Buddhas abide by Prajnaparamita, and attain Anuttara-samyaksambodhi[18].          


故  知  般  若  波  羅  密  多 ,   是  大  神  咒 ,   是  大  明  咒 ,   是  無  上  咒 ,   是  無  等  等  咒 ,   能  除  一  切  苦 ,   真  實  不  虛 .   

Therefore, Prajnaparamita is the super incantation[19], the most brilliant spell, the supreme mantra, and the unparalleled charm, which can annihilate all misery and suffering, and is the ultimate truth.


故  說  般  若  波  羅  密  多  咒 ,   即  說  咒  曰 ,   揭  諦  揭  諦 ,   波  羅  揭  諦 ,   波  羅  僧  揭  諦 ,   菩  提  薩  婆  訶 .

Therefore, chanting the Mantra of Prajnaparamita, which is “gati, gati, prajnagati, prajnasam gati, bodhi svaha”[20].




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