受 想 行 識 , 亦 復 如 是 .
The aforesaid understandings are also applicable to feeling/reception, conception/thinking, action, and sense/cognition/conscience.
舍 利 子 ! 是 諸 法 空 相 ,
Sariputra! All Dharma[9] is in the form of void;
不 生 不 滅 , 不 垢 不 淨 , 不 增 不 減 .
There is no birth, death, impurity, chastity, augment or diminution.
是 故 空 中 無 色 , 無 受 想 行 識 .
Therefore, the void does not have any form/image/phenomenon, feeling/reception, conception/thinking, action, and sense/cognition/conscience.
無 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意 , 無 色 聲 香 味 觸 法 ,
Neither does the void harbor eye, ear, nose, tongue, physical body, and/or mind;
Nor does it create form/image/phenomenon, sound, smell/fragrance, taste, touch/feeling/sensation, and/or dharma/consciousness/mental function[10];
無 眼 界 , 乃 至 無 意 識 界 .
There is no realm of sight, nor does realm of mind exist.
無 無 明 , 亦 無 無 明 盡 ,
There is no ignorance/illusion[11], nor can ignorance/illusion extinct;
乃 至 無 老 死 , 亦 無 老 死 盡 .
Neither does age and/or death exist, nor can age and/or death extinct.
無 苦 集 滅 道 .
There is no misery/suffering[12], accumulation/origination[13], extinction/annihilation[14], and/or right path to Enlightenment[15].
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